Yesterday, I was in the stream of NennmichDome, a super friendly gamer that many of you might know. Live in the chat, we exchanged messages, and he showed me where I should ride in Red Dead Redemption 2. So, I saddled up on my PS4 and headed to Blackwater.
The idea was fantastic: NennmichDome and his community were planning to expand their virtual family, and I wanted to join in. But when I arrived in Blackwater, there was… nobody. The streets were empty, and I stood there, all alone.
It wasn’t until later that I realized: PS4 players can’t play with PC players. And me? Naively, I thought it would just work somehow.
This was really disappointing. Red Dead Redemption 2 is such a fantastic game with a huge community, yet these invisible barriers separate us gamers. Why is there still no crossplay? Why can’t players on different platforms simply explore the world of Red Dead together?
For now, I’ll stay on my PS4, riding through the Wild West alone.
Have you had similar experiences with platform barriers? Let me know in the comments – I’d love to hear your thoughts!